This is the second in a series of posts about decision trees in the context of machine learning. In this post, we’ll implement classification and regression trees (CART) in Python. If you haven’t already, consider reading the first part of this series: it discusses fundamental concepts that are required to understand the implementation we’ll build.
Climbing trees series
- Climbing trees 1: what are decision trees?
- Climbing trees 2: implementing decision trees (you are here)
- Climbing trees 3: from trees to forests (soon)
If things become too complicated, try to read the provided references. I’ve drawn upon various sources instrumental to my understanding of decision trees, including books, documentation, articles, blog posts and lectures. Even if you understand everything, check the references: there is great content there.
The code snippets below sometimes present partial implementation for brevity or to avoid repetition. Complete code is available at the climbing trees repository.
Defining our building blocks
We will use Python’s standard library and numpy and pandas as the only external dependencies. This seems like a reasonable compromise between implementing everything from scratch and delegating some parts to external libraries (in our case, mathematical operations and table-like data structures).
First things first: let’s define nodes and leaf nodes.
class LeafNode:
value: np.ndarray
split_value = float | set
class Node:
feature_idx: int
split_value: split_value
left: Node | LeafNode
right: Node | LeafNode
Leaf nodes only need to store a value, which is a numpy array. In classification settings the value is an array of probabilities and for regression, a single-element array with a constant.
Internal nodes (referred to only as nodes from here on) need to store extra information: the ID of the feature chosen to split the node, the split value, the left child node, and the right child node. The split value can be either a float (for numerical features) or a set (for categorical features). We’ll first implement the numerical feature case and later extend the implementation for the categorical case.
Objective functions
Let’s implement the three objective functions discussed previously: Gini impurity, entropy and squared loss.
def entropy(prob):
prob = prob[prob > 0]
return np.sum(-prob * np.log2(prob))
def gini_impurity(prob):
return 1 - np.sum(prob**2)
Here, both functions take an array of probabilities as input and return the objective value.
Notice that we ignore zero probability when calculating entropy — their contribution is zero due to the multiplicative term (-prob
), but 0 causes numerical instability problems when taking the log.
While evaluating a split, we only have the labels of samples in each candidate node, so it’s convenient to have functions that accept labels as input. It’s also convenient to add support for sample weights (spoiler alert: they’ll come in handy in the future). Sample weights redistribute the importance of each sample when computing the objective function. Duplicating some samples has the same effect as setting a sample weight of 2 to them. That is, samples with higher weight will be given more importance to when finding splits.
def _class_probabilities(labels, sample_weights=None):
if sample_weights is None:
return np.mean(labels, axis=0)
sample_weights = sample_weights.reshape((-1, 1))
return (sample_weights * labels).sum(axis=0) / np.sum(sample_weights)
The default case (no sample weight provided) assumes uniform sample weights, or simply the average. Now we write two functions that compute the objective functions given labels as inputs:
def entropy_criterion(labels, sample_weights=None):
return entropy(_class_probabilities(labels, sample_weights))
def gini_criterion(labels, sample_weights=None):
return gini_impurity(_class_probabilities(labels, sample_weights))
In regression settings there is no need to compute class probabilities, therefore the objective function can be directly implemented as follows.
def squared_loss_criterion(y, sample_weights=None):
if sample_weights is None:
sample_weights = np.ones_like(y) / y.shape[0]
value = (sample_weights * y) / sample_weights.sum()
return np.mean(np.power(y - value, 2))
Finding the best split
Recapitulating the decision tree algorithm, we greedily search for the best possible split, recursively. To find the best possible split, we simply test all possible splits. For each feature, we sort the values as well as the outcome. Then, for each split (), we calculate the weighted average criterion (the value of the objective function) of child nodes.
class Split(NamedTuple):
criterion: float
feature_idx: int
split_value: split_value
left_index: np.ndarray
right_index: np.ndarray
left_value: np.ndarray
right_value: np.ndarray
def _find_best_split(
X, y, criterion_fn, sample_weights, min_samples_leaf
) -> Split | None:
min_criterion = np.inf
split = None
for feat_idx in range(X.shape[1]):
feature = X[:, feat_idx]
sort_idx = np.argsort(feature)
feature_sort = feature[sort_idx]
y_sort = y[sort_idx]
weights_sort = sample_weights[sort_idx]
n_samples = len(sort_idx)
for idx in range(1, n_samples):
left = sort_idx[:idx]
right = sort_idx[idx:]
criterion_l = criterion_fn(y_sort[:idx], weights_sort[:idx])
criterion_r = criterion_fn(y_sort[idx:], weights_sort[idx:])
p_l = (idx) / len(sort_idx)
p_r = (len(sort_idx) - idx) / len(sort_idx)
criterion = p_l * criterion_l + p_r * criterion_r
if criterion < min_criterion:
min_criterion = criterion
split = Split(
np.mean(y_sort[:idx], axis=0),
np.mean(y_sort[idx:], axis=0),
return split
This is the core of the algorithm, so let’s break this function down.
First we define some variables: min_criterion
is the lowest observed criterion value (initialized as infinity), split
is the best split so far (initialized as None
The split contains the following:
- Criterion value.
- Feature ID: column position starting from 0.
- Split value: values smaller or equal to it belong to the left child node (we’re still dealing only with numerical features).
- Left indices: the indices of samples that belong to the left child node.
- Right indices: the indices of samples that belong to the right child node.
- Left value: the predicted value for the left child node.
- Right value: the predicted value for the right child node.
We loop over all features and, for each one, sort the feature and the outcome based on the selected feature values.
Then, we divide the samples of candidate child nodes around each split point (left
and right
) and compute the weighted averaged criterion.
If the criterion value is the lowest observed so far, this is the current best split point.
Notice that this works for both classification and regression.
The regression case is straightforward: each node predicts the average outcome of its samples.
We assign the mean outcome value of each child node to left_value
and right_value
The classification case requires an assumption: the outcome variable y
must be previously one-hot encoded.
For instance, if we have three classes, instead of a vector of class labels this functions receives a matrix with N rows and 3 columns.
Each row has only one column set to 1 and the rest to 0 — that is, each column represents one class.
We can think of this one-hot encoded matrix as a multi-output regression problem: the model is trying to predict three continuous outcomes, it just happens that they encode class labels.
Hence, the mean over all N samples of each column is equivalent to the proportion of such label in the node.
The greedy algorithm
Now that we have a function to find the best split of a node, we can build the greedy algorithm. We start with a node containing all samples and a naive prediction (the average outcome). The child nodes are then split recursively. The first base case is when there is a single sample in the node — it cannot be split again.
def split_node(
node: Node | LeafNode,
X: pd.DataFrame,
y: np.ndarray,
value: np.ndarray,
depth: int,
sample_weights: np.ndarray,
) -> LeafNode | Node | None:
if X.shape[0] <= 1:
return LeafNode(value)
split = _find_best_split(X, y, criterion, sample_weights, min_samples_leaf)
if split is None:
return None
X_left = X.iloc[split.left_index, :]
X_right = X.iloc[split.right_index, :]
y_left = y[split.left_index]
y_right = y[split.right_index]
node = Node(
left = split_node(
depth=depth + 1,
right = split_node(
depth=depth + 1,
if left is not None:
node.left = left
if right is not None:
node.right = right
return node
Recursive calls increase the depth counter by 1. We can add a max_depth
stopping criterion.
Similarly, we can check the number of samples in child nodes and enforce a minimum number of samples per leaf (min_samples_leaf
) constraint.
These constraints are crucial to limit tree size and reduce variance (overfitting).
def split_node(
node: Node | LeafNode,
X: pd.DataFrame,
y: np.ndarray,
value: np.ndarray,
depth: int,
sample_weights: np.ndarray,
max_depth: int = 0,
min_samples_leaf: int = 0,
) -> LeafNode | Node | None:
if X.shape[0] <= 1 or (max_depth and depth >= max_depth):
return LeafNode(value)
if X.shape[0] < 2 * min_samples_leaf:
return LeafNode(value)
# [...]
Notice that if the node has less than twice the minimum number of samples per leaf, all possible child nodes will violate the constraint. The split search function should also consider only splits that do not violate this constraint.
We must add another base case: a pure node, that is, a node with samples from a single class (classification) or with samples with a single outcome value (regression) should not be split further. All our objective functions yield a value of 0 with pure nodes, so this is easy to implement. We can also add the constraint of a minimum criterion reduction — even though I’ve argued in the previous post that this is generally a bad idea.
def split_node(
node: Node | LeafNode,
X: pd.DataFrame,
y: np.ndarray,
value: np.ndarray,
depth: int,
sample_weights: np.ndarray,
max_depth: int = 0,
min_samples_leaf: int = 0,
min_criterion_reduction: float = 0,
) -> LeafNode | Node | None:
if X.shape[0] <= 1 or (max_depth and depth >= max_depth):
return LeafNode(value)
if X.shape[0] < 2 * min_samples_leaf:
return LeafNode(value)
prior_criterion = criterion.node_impurity(y, sample_weights)
if np.isclose(prior_criterion, 0):
return LeafNode(value)
split = _find_best_split(X, y, criterion, sample_weights, min_samples_leaf)
if split is None:
return None
criterion_reduction = prior_criterion - split.criterion
if min_criterion_reduction and criterion_reduction < min_criterion_reduction:
return None
# [...]
At this point we already have a somewhat functional decision tree constructor. However, there are still major improvements to be made to this code: it’s not very optimized, it can only handle numerical features, and there’s no prediction (inference) implementation.
Time complexity
Implementations of decision trees vary quite a lot in their details and the optimizations they employ. Furthermore, the structure of the tree depends on the data. Thus, it’s not straightforward to estimate the average time complexity of decision trees, but it’s usually approximated as , where is the number of dimensions (features) and is the number of training samples. For each node, we have to try all possible splits, which involves sorting the training samples based on each feature in time, then try splits. We must compute the objective function for each split, which increases the time complexity of this step to . Since this is done for all dimensions, we have a time complexity of for each node. This process is repeated for each new depth level added to the tree, whose maximum depth is approximately (balanced trees), hence we have a time complexity of . The and terms are not bad, but the term makes training trees on large number of samples infeasible.
Luckily, it’s possible to compute the objective function in constant time, bringing us back to the usual time complexity. With some clever strategies we can also reuse the sorted features, giving us an average time complexity of 1.
Optimizing classification split search
In our current implementation, the run time to compute the best split per feature is . For each split (and we have of them) we have to go over all samples in each child node to compute the objective function — this is, effectively, a nested loop. We start by sorting the samples by feature value, which means that each new split in the loop moves exactly one sample from one child node to the other. It’s for this reason that we don’t have to go over all samples every time: the objective function can be recomputed in constant time by moving a single point for each iteration.
We’ll abstract our criterion to accommodate different ways to compute it. When searching for the best split, we need to keep track of some values depending on the criterion.
class BaseSplitStats:
left_weight: float
right_weight: float
S = TypeVar("S", bound=BaseSplitStats)
class ClassificationSplitStats(BaseSplitStats):
left_class_count: np.ndarray
right_class_count: np.ndarray
Regardless of the criterion, we need to keep track of the number of samples in each child node.
Notice they’re named weight
and not count
because when sample weights are present they are no longer integer counts.
For instance, a sample with a weight of 2 acts as if we had an extra copy of it.
It can be a bit weird to think about fractional counts, but they are an extrapolation of the integer example.
For instance, a sample with weight 2.5 will have 2.5 times more impact on the criterion value.
Our criterion abstraction should provide a way to measure node impurity given y
as well as methods to track values during split search and compute the objective function in time.
It should also provide a method to estimate the optimal value of a node given y
Depending on the criterion, the optimal node value — that is, the node value that minimizes the criterion given y
— is estimated differently.
This was overlooked earlier since for all the objective functions we’ve implemented the optimal value is simply the mean outcome.
class Criterion(Protocol, Generic[S]):
def node_impurity(self, y: np.ndarray, sample_weights: np.ndarray) -> float: ...
def node_optimal_value(self, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ...
def init_split_stats(self, y: np.ndarray, sample_weights: np.ndarray) -> S: ...
def update_split_stats(
self, stats: S, y_value: np.ndarray, weight: float
) -> None: ...
def split_impurity(self, stats: S) -> float: ...
Both Gini impurity and entropy take the exact same values as input, so we can create a single classification criterion:
class ClassificationCriterion(Criterion):
def __init__(self, objective_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], float]):
self.objective = objective_fn
def node_optimal_value(self, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return np.mean(y, axis=0)
def node_impurity(self, y: np.ndarray, sample_weights: np.ndarray) -> float:
# For binary classification with single column
if y.shape[1] == 1:
y = np.hstack((y, 1 - y))
return self.objective(_class_probabilities(y, sample_weights))
def init_split_stats(
self, y: np.ndarray, sample_weights: np.ndarray
) -> ClassificationSplitStats:
sample_weights = sample_weights.reshape((-1, 1))
# For binary classification with single column
if y.shape[1] == 1:
y = np.hstack((y, 1 - y))
return ClassificationSplitStats(
left_class_count=np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=sample_weights.dtype),
y * sample_weights, axis=0, dtype=sample_weights.dtype
def update_split_stats(
stats: ClassificationSplitStats,
y_value: np.ndarray,
weight: float,
) -> None:
stats.left_weight += weight
stats.right_weight -= weight
# For binary classification with single column
if len(y_value) == 1:
y_value = np.hstack((y_value, 1 - y_value))
stats.left_class_count += y_value * weight
stats.right_class_count -= y_value * weight
def split_impurity(self, stats: ClassificationSplitStats) -> float:
criterion_l = self.objective(stats.left_class_count / stats.left_weight)
criterion_r = self.objective(stats.right_class_count / stats.right_weight)
total_weight = stats.left_weight + stats.right_weight
p_l = stats.left_weight / total_weight
p_r = stats.right_weight / total_weight
return float(p_l * criterion_l + p_r * criterion_r)
Notice that we treat the binary classification case differently. When there are two possible outcomes, the
matrix can be encoded with a single binary column (either 1 or 0). Thus, one-hot encoding two classes into two columns is wasteful. Since the objective functions still require the proportion of both classes, we add the second column here.
Then, we adapt the split search function to use this criterion.
def _find_best_split(
X, y, criterion: Criterion, sample_weights: np.ndarray
) -> Split | None:
min_score = np.inf
best_split = None
for feat_idx in range(X.shape[1]):
sort_idx = np.argsort(X[:, feat_idx])
x_sorted = X[sort_idx, feat_idx]
y_sorted = y[sort_idx]
weights_sorted = sample_weights[sort_idx]
stats = criterion.init_split_stats(y_sorted, weights_sorted)
for i in range(1, len(y_sorted)):
criterion.update_split_stats(stats, y_sorted[i - 1], weights_sorted[i - 1])
if x_sorted[i] != x_sorted[i - 1]:
score = criterion.split_impurity(stats)
if score < min_score:
min_score = score
best_split = Split(
split_value=x_sorted[i - 1],
return best_split
There is an edge case when two consecutive samples have the exact same sample value. We’re moving samples one by one, but when applying the decision rule all tied samples will belong to the same child node. To avoid this issue, we check whether the split value has changed from the previous iteration. If it has not changed, we skip the iteration — it’s not a valid split point.
Optimizing regression split search
Recalling what we’ve seen previously, the squared loss is defined as follows:
This function quantifies the within-node variance of the target variable. Let’s expand the quadratic term:
We know that is not a parameter, it’s the average outcome of the node:
Substituting :
Thus, the loss becomes:
The first term is the sum of squares divided by and the second is the squared mean. If we track the squared sum, the sum, and , we can compute the objective in constant time.
class SquaredLossSplitStats(BaseSplitStats):
left_sum: np.ndarray
right_sum: np.ndarray
left_sum_squared: np.ndarray
right_sum_squared: np.ndarray
class SquaredLossCriterion(Criterion):
def node_impurity(self, y: np.ndarray, sample_weights: np.ndarray) -> float:
sample_weights = sample_weights.reshape(-1, 1)
weighted_mean = np.average(y, weights=sample_weights)
return float(np.average((y - weighted_mean) ** 2, weights=sample_weights))
def node_optimal_value(self, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return np.mean(y, axis=0)
def init_split_stats(
self, y: np.ndarray, sample_weights: np.ndarray
) -> SquaredLossSplitStats:
sample_weights = sample_weights.reshape((-1, 1))
return SquaredLossSplitStats(
left_sum=np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=y.dtype),
right_sum=np.sum(y * sample_weights, axis=0),
left_sum_squared=np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=y.dtype),
right_sum_squared=np.sum(y * y * sample_weights, axis=0),
def update_split_stats(
stats: SquaredLossSplitStats,
y_value: np.ndarray,
weight: float,
) -> None:
stats.left_sum += weight * y_value
stats.right_sum -= weight * y_value
stats.left_weight += weight
stats.right_weight -= weight
stats.left_sum_squared += weight * y_value * y_value
stats.right_sum_squared -= weight * y_value * y_value
def split_impurity(self, stats: SquaredLossSplitStats) -> float:
left_mean = stats.left_sum / stats.left_weight if stats.left_weight > 0 else 0
right_mean = (
stats.right_sum / stats.right_weight if stats.right_weight > 0 else 0
criterion_l = (
np.sum(stats.left_sum_squared / stats.left_weight - left_mean * left_mean)
if stats.left_weight > 0
else 0
criterion_r = (
stats.right_sum_squared / stats.right_weight - right_mean * right_mean
if stats.right_weight > 0
else 0
total_weight = stats.left_weight + stats.right_weight
p_l = stats.left_weight / total_weight
p_r = stats.right_weight / total_weight
return float(p_l * criterion_l + p_r * criterion_r)
Categorical features
In the previous post we’ve seen that decision trees accept both numerical and categorical features, yet our implementation can only handle numerical ones.
One possibility is to one-hot encode categorical features into numerical ones. Since the time complexity of fitting a tree scales linearly with the number of features, this doesn’t hurt performance catastrophically.
In fact, the scikit-learn implementation still doesn’t support categorical features directly and requires numerical encoding.
One-hot encoding shifts the complexity from combinations in each split to the tree structure: many splits are required to capture a relationship that is true for a group of category levels of a feature.
Moreover, the encoding process makes the X
feature matrix larger in memory.
In the CART-based family of decision tree algorithms, a categorical split may consider one category at a time (one vs rest) or combinations of categories. The problem is that there are possible combinations of categories, where is the number of levels (distinct categories) in a feature. If we have 100 levels, that’s already 524287 combinations to try for every split. The tree structure produced by a one vs rest strategy is effectively equivalent to one produced using one-hot encoded features, but it requires less memory for the feature matrix.
One vs rest strategy
In this strategy, the split search considers all levels of a feature individually and compares them with all other levels combined.
In other words, the left child node contains samples of a single level while the right child node contains all other levels.
The split can be quite uneven and result in less balanced trees, but the performance trade-off can be worth it.
We avoid the exponential number of combinations seen above and don’t expand the memory footprint of the X
matrix with many one-hot encoded columns.
The criterion interface should have new methods to handle the categorical split, preferably in constant time. Each feature level is considered individually, thus we only need to pre-compute the indices of each level. This can be done in time by lexicographically sorting the feature.
cat_indices = {}
sort_idx = np.argsort(x)
x_sorted = x[sort_idx]
y_sorted = y[sort_idx]
weights_sorted = sample_weights[sort_idx]
start_idx = 0
for i in range(1, len(x_sorted) + 1):
if i == len(x_sorted) or x_sorted[i] != x_sorted[start_idx]:
cat_indices[x_sorted[start_idx]] = {
"indices": sort_idx[start_idx:i],
"y": y_sorted[start_idx:i],
"weights": weights_sorted[start_idx:i],
start_idx = i
Whenever the feature value changes, we’ve reached a new level and therefore can compute the indices, the subset of y
, and the subset of sample_weights
that belong to this level.
The criterion of the left child node can be directly computed using the subset of y
defined above, whereas the criterion for the right child node can be found removing the class counts of the level from the total.
You may have noticed this is not a operation because we have to sum over subsets of y
Still, this is done once per level, and we avoid any quadratic or exponential operations.
The split stats are initialized the same way as before. We implement a new method to make new stats for a categorical group with the logic we’ve just described:
class ClassificationCriterion(Criterion):
# [...]
def make_stats_from_categorical_level(
stats: ClassificationSplitStats,
y: np.ndarray,
sample_weights: np.ndarray,
is_left: bool,
) -> ClassificationSplitStats:
level_weights = sample_weights.reshape(-1, 1)
level_weight = np.sum(sample_weights)
# For binary classification with single column
if y.shape[1] == 1:
y = np.hstack((y, 1 - y))
level_sum = np.sum(y * level_weights, axis=0)
if is_left:
stats = replace(
right_weight=stats.right_weight - level_weight,
right_class_count=stats.right_class_count - level_sum,
stats = replace(
left_weight=stats.left_weight - level_weight,
left_class_count=stats.left_class_count - level_sum,
return stats
An analogous method has been implemented for the squared loss criterion.
Then, we use this method in the new _best_categorical_split
def _best_categorical_split(
x: np.ndarray,
y: np.ndarray,
feat_idx: int,
criterion: Criterion,
sample_weights: np.ndarray,
min_samples_leaf: int,
min_score = np.inf
best_split = None
unique_values = np.unique(x)
stats = criterion.init_split_stats(y.astype(np.float64), sample_weights)
# Pre-compute category indices
cat_indices = {}
sort_idx = np.argsort(x)
x_sorted = x[sort_idx]
y_sorted = y[sort_idx]
weights_sorted = sample_weights[sort_idx]
start_idx = 0
for i in range(1, len(x_sorted) + 1):
if i == len(x_sorted) or x_sorted[i] != x_sorted[start_idx]:
cat_indices[x_sorted[start_idx]] = {
"indices": sort_idx[start_idx:i],
"y": y_sorted[start_idx:i],
"weights": weights_sorted[start_idx:i],
start_idx = i
stats = criterion.init_split_stats(y, sample_weights)
n_samples = len(y_sorted)
for value in unique_values:
cat_data = cat_indices[value]
level_size = len(cat_data["indices"])
if level_size == 0 or level_size == len(x):
if level_size < min_samples_leaf or (n_samples - level_size) < min_samples_leaf:
level_stats = criterion.make_stats_from_categorical_level(
stats, cat_data["y"], cat_data["weights"], is_left=True
score = criterion.split_impurity(level_stats)
if score < min_score:
min_score = score
left_indices = cat_data["indices"]
right_indices = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(x)), left_indices)
best_split = Split(
return min_score, best_split
Optimal partitioning
Luckily, there is a very handy optimization to find the optimal partitioning of levels when the output is univariate — that is, when we’re dealing with binary classification or univariate regression. It was first proposed by Fisher in 1958 as a method to group a set of numbers so that the variance within groups is minimized. Here, again, the number of possible combinations grow exponentially. The proof states that we only need to look at the sorted partitions by average outcome instead of all possible permutations.
Consider we want to divide TV shows into two groups so that the audience is as homogeneous as possible in each group. This is equivalent to finding the categorical split set that minimizes the weighted variance in each group, i.e. minimizes the squared loss as defined above. Any best split must contain only contiguous TV shows (as defined by the ordered audience), as any non-contiguous item would always increase the group variance. Therefore, it’s possible to try splits over the ordered TV shows without considering all possible combinations. In the regression setting, we calculate the average outcome per category level, which renders the algorithm above suitable for our purposes. Each group level is analogous to a TV show, whereas the audience is the average outcome per group level.
The proof for binary outcomes (binary regression) was only described later and can be found in Breiman et al. (1984) and Ripley (1996). In this case, we compute the average positive outcome for each category level: one class is (arbitrarily) represented as 1, hence the average outcome is the proportion of this class. This method is used by LightGBM and XGBoost, both gradient-boosted tree libraries2.
The average outcome is computed by grouping the outcome vector y
by feature x
and applying sample weights:
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": x, "y": y.ravel(), "w": sample_weights})
cat_stats = df.groupby("x").agg(
column="y", aggfunc=lambda x: np.average(x, weights=df.loc[x.index, "w"])
y_count=pd.NamedAgg(column="y", aggfunc=len),
w=pd.NamedAgg(column="w", aggfunc="sum"),
cat_stats = cat_stats.sort_values("y_avg")
After sorting by the average outcome, we split this predictor as if it were an ordered predictor. In other words, we go over the levels sorted by average outcome and move one by one to the left child node, computing the criterion at each step. Note that, unlike in previous cases, the feature is not sorted by its values, rather by the average outcome.
The criterion can be updated with a constant time operation by treating the feature level as a single sample.
The idea of using an average outcome as a single sample may require some intuition massaging, but it does make sense.
Consider a level with 8 samples of outcome 1
and 2 samples of outcome 0
The average outcome is 0.83.
Considering uniform sample weights, the weight is 10 (equal to the number of samples).
We can expand the average outcome to a two class vector and multiply it by the weight, resulting in the vector .
This vector will be subtracted from the left child node and added to the right child node label count.
Hence, moving one average outcome “sample” with a sum of sample weights is equivalent to moving each sample individually.
After computing and ordering by average outcomes, the implementation closely resembles the numerical feature split search and won’t be shown here for brevity.
Combining split search methods
Finally, we combine our three split search functions into one.
This function applies numerical split search to numerical features (of course).
For categorical features, optimal partitioning is used if the y
outcome is univariate.
Otherwise, a one vs rest approach is used.
def _find_best_split(
X: pd.DataFrame,
y: np.ndarray,
criterion: Criterion,
sample_weights: np.ndarray,
min_samples_leaf: int,
) -> Split | None:
min_score = np.inf
best_split = None
categorical_splitter = (
if y.shape[1] == 1
else _best_categorical_split
feature_types = np.array(
[np.issubdtype(X.iloc[:, i].dtype, np.number) for i in range(X.shape[1])]
feature_values = [X.iloc[:, i].values for i in range(X.shape[1])]
for feat_idx in range(X.shape[1]):
splitter = (
_best_numerical_split if feature_types[feat_idx] else categorical_splitter
score, split = splitter(
if split is not None and score < min_score:
min_score = score
best_split = split
return best_split
Training and inference
The scikit-learn interface has become so ubiquitous in the Python world that it seems only reasonable to use it here. Let’s define two interfaces (in scikit-learn style), one for classification and the other for regression:
class Regressor(Protocol):
def fit(
self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: np.ndarray, sample_weights: np.ndarray | None = None
) -> None: ...
def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: ...
class Classifier(Protocol):
def fit(
self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: np.ndarray, sample_weights: np.ndarray | None = None
) -> None: ...
def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: ...
def predict_proba(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: ...
The classes following these interfaces are mostly boilerplate code, but the inference code is new. To make predictions for a single feature, we check if the feature lies on the left or on the right side of the root node split. We repeat this process until we reach a leaf node, and then return the leaf node value as the prediction. It’s quite a simple inference process with a average time complexity, that is, proportional to the depth of the tree4.
For the regression case:
class DecisionTreeRegressor:
# [...]
def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray:
if self._root_node is None:
raise ValueError("model must be trained before prediction")
def traverse_tree(x, node):
while isinstance(node, Node):
feature_val = x.iloc[node.feature_idx]
if isinstance(node.split_value, set):
node = node.left if feature_val in node.split_value else node.right
node = node.left if feature_val <= node.split_value else node.right
return node.value
y_pred = np.array([traverse_tree(x, self._root_node) for _, x in X.iterrows()])
return y_pred
For classification, this method becomes predict_proba
, which returns vectors of probabilities5.
The predict
method then chooses the most likely class as the prediction for each instance using the following function:
def _prob_to_class(prob: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
if prob.shape[1] > 1:
return np.argmax(prob, axis=1)
return (prob.squeeze(1) >= 0.5).astype(int)
We have implemented classification and regression trees (CART) with a decent time complexity (no quadratic time operations), support for sample weights, and categorical features. Let’s test them!
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer, load_diabetes
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, mean_squared_error
from src.cart import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor, print_tree
X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)
X = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(20, 4)))
X["cat"] = np.array([["B"] * 9 + ["A"] * 6 + ["C"] * 5]).T
y = np.array([0] * 10 + [1] * 10)
max_depth = 2
min_samples_leaf = 3
tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth, min_samples_leaf), y, sample_weights=np.ones(len(y)) / 10)
pred = tree.predict(X)
score = f1_score(y, pred, average="macro")
acc = accuracy_score(y, pred)
print(f"classification tree -> F1: {score:.2f} accuracy: {acc:.2%}")
X, y = load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
X = pd.DataFrame(X)
tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth, min_samples_leaf), y)
pred = tree.predict(X)
mse = mean_squared_error(y, pred)
print(f"regression tree -> MSE: {mse:.2f}")
You may have noticed the
dependency. Well, it’s used only as a convenient way to load a toy dataset, so I think this is fair enough.
Node(feature_idx=4, split_value={'B'})
Node(feature_idx=3, split_value=0.44)
classification tree -> F1: 0.95 accuracy: 95.00%
Node(feature_idx=8, split_value=-0.00)
Node(feature_idx=2, split_value=0.01)
Node(feature_idx=2, split_value=0.01)
regression tree -> MSE: 3360.05
It works! In the next part of this series we’ll talk about bagging, a strategy to reduce model variance, and the most famous bagged tree algorithm: random forests.
- Climbing Trees Repository - Github
- One-hot - Wikipedia
- Scikit-learn documentation on trees
- Time complexity - Wikipedia
- Fisher, W. D. (1958). On Grouping for Maximum Homogeneity. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 53(284), 789–798.
- Breiman, L., Friedman, J., Stone, C., & Olshen, R. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. Taylor & Francis.
- Ripley, B. D. (1996). Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- LightGBM documentation - Categorical Feature Support
- XGboost documentation - Categorical Data
We will not implement this kind of optimization. ↩
We’ll cover gradient-boosted decision trees (GBDT) in the future. ↩
The average outcome can be seen as the proportion of positive (1) outcomes. ↩
We assume roughly balanced trees and therefore the depth of the tree is proportional to . ↩
These probabilities are not well calibrated and are not a good measure of the uncertainty of the model. ↩