Tag: Statistics
All the articles with the tag "Statistics".
Regression to the mean
Published:Exploring regression to the mean
Survival analysis with Cox reggression - heart failure data
Published:Last time, we used decision trees, binarization and logistic regression to predict heart failure mortality in a public dataset. Here, we'll use Cox regression to more adequately model survival data.
The power of simple models: predicting heart failure mortality
Published:We'll predict heart failure mortality using a simplified model.
What are NOT p-values?
Published:What exactly is a p-value? Let's define the p-value and then look at what it is not.
Por que novas cloroquinas virão
Published:Nós devemos focar em explicar por que terapias ineficazes podem parecer serem muito eficazes e mostrar os benefícios de ensaios clínicos de qualidade.
Why new hydroxichloroquines will come
Published:We should focus on explaining why ineffective therapies can appear to be very effective and show the benefits of proper clinical trials.
The basics of outlier detection
Published:This post is intended to explain the basics of outlier detection and removal and, more specifically, to highlight some common mistakes.