
This is a list of my favorite personal projects, all available on Github.

  • The website you’re reading – ongoing
    • and all the blog posts in it.
  • stellr – ongoing
    • Tiny full-text search engine.
  • listme
    • Python library to summarize you FIXME, TODO, XXX (and other tags) comments so you don’t forget them.
  • picfusion
    • Picfusion allows you to search through your images using other images as query, a set of tags, pure text, or any combination of them.
  • DocuStore
    • A program to save any URL or raw text (with support for Markdown) and search for them later.
  • autodaily
    • An LLM-based solution to summarize your daily coding activities
  • olist-ml
    • Churn prediction Machine Learning project using the Olist public dataset.
  • fraud-o-meter
    • Credit card fraud detection API using FastAPI, Scikit-Learn and RabbitMQ.
  • zeroshot-summarizer
    • A summarizer model that takes abstracts and return paper titles styled according to predefined adjectives.
  • movie-recommender
    • A movie recommender built using The Movie Dataset (from Kaggle), FastAPI and PyTorch. This system uses both content-based filtering and collaborative filtering. Can run as a Docker image.
  • imagetour
    • 1D image embeddings.
  • pytorch-saver
    • Simple helper to save and load PyTorch models.
  • python-sleep-tracker
    • A sleep tracker written in python that uses sensor data.
  • Conditional-GAN
    • Vanilla and conditional GANs applied to the Flowers102 dataset.
  • py-qoi
  • surround-linux
    • Scripts to automate the configuration of virtual surround sound on linux (pulseaudio).
  • 3D-fractal-pytorch
    • Estimate fractal dimension and lacunarity of 3D shapes using Pytorch.
  • WHO_suic_EDA
    • Exploratory data analysis of the WHO suicide dataset.
  • microglia-morph – unfinished
    • An automated image processing tool to analyse microglia microscope images.

Learning repositories

Repositories created to spread knowledge while I’m learning.