All the long-form articles I've posted.
Por que novas cloroquinas virão
Published:Nós devemos focar em explicar por que terapias ineficazes podem parecer serem muito eficazes e mostrar os benefícios de ensaios clínicos de qualidade.
Why new hydroxichloroquines will come
Published:We should focus on explaining why ineffective therapies can appear to be very effective and show the benefits of proper clinical trials.
The basics of outlier detection
Published:This post is intended to explain the basics of outlier detection and removal and, more specifically, to highlight some common mistakes.
Twitter sentiment classification - Part 2
Published:We'll use Recurrent Neural Networks to classify the Sentiment140 dataset into positive or negative tweets.
Twitter sentiment classification - Part 1
Published:A sentiment classification project utilizing logistic regression on the Sentiment140 dataset.
Exploratory data analysis: the WHO suicide dataset
Published:Exploratory data analysis is essential to construct hypothesis. Today we’ll explore the WHO Suicide Statistics database (version from Kaggle). It consists of a single CSV table, with 43776 instances of merely 6 variables.
Exploring Fractals With Pytorch
Published:Let's use PyTorch to analyze 3D fractals by implementing the box-counting algorithm and calculate the fractal dimension and lacunarity of a given image.
Battleship Heuristics
Published:Implementing an algorithm for playing Battleship that uses heuristics.