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LUKS with USB unlock


I’ve been using Linux Uni­fied Key Setup (LUKS) for full disk en­cryp­tion on my home server, but en­ter­ing a long pass­word on every boot can be quite in­con­ve­nient. That’s why I was search­ing for a way to use a key file in a USB stick to un­lock the root par­ti­tion.

There are many blog posts and re­sources on how to do it, but many are out­dated and none of them al­lowed me to enter the pass­word if the key is not avail­able. This can lead to mount fail­ure dur­ing boot, which is ex­tremely in­con­ve­nient for a head­less com­puter.

For­tu­nately, I stum­bled upon a blog post which de­scribes a way to do what I wanted!

Read it here:​luks-​with-​usb-​unlock

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