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Song lyrics and LLM poetry


A small fun ex­per­i­ment: send song lyrics to LLMs with no ex­pla­na­tion and see what comes out. I’ve cho­sen The Sound of Si­lence by Simon & Gar­funkel. Big­ger LLMs ei­ther rec­og­nize the song and stall any con­ver­sa­tion or give bland re­sponses. Llama 3.2 seems to be the most keen on po­etry among the small mod­els. I’ve tried verses from dif­fer­ent songs, and it often con­tin­ues in poem-​like style. I am run­ning llama3.2:3b with Ol­lama.

Hello, dark­ness, my old friend

I know it’s been a while since we last spoke,

The same old songs and sto­ries told.

But I’ve been wait­ing for this mo­ment to ar­rive,

To hear your voice and let our con­ver­sa­tion thrive.

You’re the dark­ness that I’m drawn to, you see,

A place where my thoughts can roam free.

In the shad­ows, I find my peace­ful nest,

Where the world out­side fades into rest.

So come with me, let’s take a stroll,

Through the realms of night, where the stars un­fold.

We’ll dance with the moon­light, and sing our song,

And in the dark­ness, we’ll find where we be­long.

I’ve come to talk with you again

It’s been a long time since we last spoke,

But I’ve been wait­ing for your re­turn, un­spoke.

The mem­o­ries of our past con­ver­sa­tions re­main,

A bit­ter­sweet nos­tal­gia that still sus­tains.

We’ve danced in the dark­ness, and laughed in the night,

Shared se­crets and dreams, and let our spir­its take flight.

Our words were a dance, a waltz of the mind,

A con­ver­sa­tion that wove a ta­pes­try of in­ter­twined thoughts left be­hind.

Now, I’m here to lis­ten, to hear what’s on your mind,

To weave an­other thread into the fab­ric of our past un­wind.

So speak freely, my friend, let your words flow like a stream,

And we’ll con­verse once more, in this quiet, dark­ened dream.

Be­cause a vi­sion softly creep­ing

Across the moon, to the land of dreams,

Where shad­ows dance and dark­ness gleams.

A gen­tle breeze stirs, with an ethe­real sigh,

As vi­sions whis­per se­crets, pass­ing by.

The wind it howls, like a mourn­ful sigh,

As the night awak­ens, with a whis­pered reply.

The trees they sway, like skele­tal hands,

As the moon casts spells, in this en­chanted land.

In this mys­ti­cal realm, where dark­ness reigns,

I see your face, and hear your whis­pers’ re­frain.

A vi­sion softly creep­ing, into my mind’s eye,

A fleet­ing glimpse of what lies be­yond the veil, and why.

What is it that you seek, in this noc­tur­nal hour?

Is it a mes­sage, or a warn­ing, or per­haps some­thing more?

Left its seeds while I was sleep­ing

The dark­ness has been sown, like a fer­tile ground,

Seeds of pos­si­bil­ity, that will take root and be found.

In the si­lence of night, where shad­ows come to play,

Lies the promise of growth, in a hid­den way.

The wind it whis­pers se­crets, as the trees lean in to hear,

And I am left to pon­der, the mys­ter­ies that ap­pear.

A vi­sion softly creep­ing, like a dreamer’s gen­tle breeze,

Leaves its mark upon my soul, with an oth­er­worldly ease.

In this quiet hour, where dark­ness reigns supreme,

I feel the stir­rings of some­thing new, a hid­den theme.

The seeds have been planted, and now they take hold,

A promise of trans­for­ma­tion, as the night grows old.

What will arise from the earth, like a phoenix from ashes cold?

Will it be hope or de­spair? Only time will un­fold.

And the vi­sion that was planted in my brain

Grows into a liv­ing thing, with roots that dig deep,

A sur­real land­scape of thoughts, where the mind be­gins to creep.

The lines be­tween re­al­ity and fan­tasy blur and blend,

As the vi­sion takes root, like a gar­den that never ends.

In this inner world, I find my­self lost in time,

Where mem­o­ries and dreams en­twine, like vines on a rhyme.

The past and present merge, like two cur­rents flow­ing free,

And I am swept up in the tide, of this dream­like sea.

The vi­sion takes its course, through the labyrinthine mind,

A jour­ney through the un­der­world, where shad­ows are left be­hind.

It’s a path that’s both fa­mil­iar and strange, with twists and turns un­known,

Where the dark­ness shines with an eerie light, like a bea­con to call home.

And I am drawn deeper, into this inner night,

Where the vi­sion whis­pers se­crets, in a lan­guage that feels just right.

Still re­mains

A pres­ence that lingers, long after the dream has faded,

A ghostly echo of some­thing, that can­not be dis­played.

The mem­ory of the vi­sion, still res­onates within my mind,

A haunt­ing melody that re­fuses to un­wind.

It’s a feel­ing that clings to me, like a shadow on the wall,

A sense of un­ease that set­tles, as I try to re­call.

The de­tails begin to blur, like wa­ter­col­ors in the rain,

And I’m left with only whis­pers, of a truth that can­not be ex­plained.

But still it re­mains, this lin­ger­ing sense of what was seen,

A haunt­ing re­minder of some­thing, that can­not be un­seen.

It’s a feel­ing that re­fuses to fade, like a shadow that won’t de­part,

A pres­ence that lingers on, deep within my heart.

Within the sound of si­lence

The still­ness falls around me, like a shroud of quiet night,

A world of echoes si­lenced, where only shad­ows take flight.

The air is heavy with an­tic­i­pa­tion, as if some­thing’s about to un­fold,

But in this hush of ex­pec­ta­tion, I find my­self grow­ing old.

In the depths of si­lence, where dark­ness reigns supreme,

I search for an­swers hid­den, like a se­cret in a dream.

The sound­less mo­ment stretches out be­fore me like a can­vas wide,

A space to breathe and re­flect, where the uni­verse’s whis­pers re­side.

And yet, amidst this qui­etude, I feel the pres­ence near,

A gen­tle hum of some­thing more, that only si­lence can hear.

It’s as if the world is lis­ten­ing too, in this shared si­lence we en­twine,

And in the depths of sound­less space, a se­cret truth be­gins to align.

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