Warning: this post talks about suicide and should be read with caution.

The Data

Exploratory data analysis is essential to construct hypothesis. Today we’ll explore the publicly available WHO Suicide Statistics database (version from Kaggle). It consists of a single CSV table, with 43776 instances of merely 6 variables. We do not intend to speculate about suicide causes nor to make any judgements. This analysis was done using R and R markdown.

##    country               year          sex                age
##  Length:43776       Min.   :1979   Length:43776       Length:43776
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:1990   Class :character   Class :character
##  Mode  :character   Median :1999   Mode  :character   Mode  :character
##                     Mean   :1999
##                     3rd Qu.:2007
##                     Max.   :2016
##   suicides_no        population
##  Min.   :    0.0   Min.   :     259
##  1st Qu.:    1.0   1st Qu.:   85113
##  Median :   14.0   Median :  380655
##  Mean   :  193.3   Mean   : 1664091
##  3rd Qu.:   91.0   3rd Qu.: 1305698
##  Max.   :22338.0   Max.   :43805214
##  NA's   :2256      NA's   :5460

Clearly, we have a considerable amount of missing values, with data since 1979 to 2016, which is still quite recent. The sex and country variables must be converted to categorical ones:

who_suicide_statistics$sex <- as.factor(who_suicide_statistics$sex)
who_suicide_statistics$country <- as.factor(who_suicide_statistics$country)

Next, the age variable should be an ordered factor:

who_suicide_statistics$age <- factor(who_suicide_statistics$age, levels = c("5-14 years", "15-24 years", "25-34 years", "55-74 years", "75+ years"))

Let’s take a look at our most important variable – suicide number:

Clearly, the distribution is extremely skewed and zero-inflated, ranging from 0 to very high values. Let’s create a proportional suicide number variable (suicide_rate), defined by prop_suicide = suicides_no/population * 1000000 (per million people) and see its distribution:

total_suicide_rate <- who_suicide_statistics %>% group_by(country, year) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = sum(suicides_no) * 1000000 / sum(population), .groups = "drop_last") %>% na.omit

hist(total_suicide_rate$rate_suicide, xlab = "Suicide rate", main = NA)

Much less variance, but still a very broad range. Let’s summarise and plot some graphs to see the relationships between variables.

library(ggplot2, dplyr)
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.0.5
total_suicide <- who_suicide_statistics %>% group_by(year, country) %>% summarise(total_suicide = sum(suicides_no, na.rm = T), .groups = "drop_last")

Men have higher suicide rates overall Let’s see which countries have the most and least suicides:

Top 10 countries and correspondent years with highest suicide rates

country year rate_suicide
Lithuania 1996 510.1976
Lithuania 1995 500.1256
Lithuania 1994 499.8927
Hungary 1983 492.1207
Lithuania 2000 491.9875
Hungary 1981 491.5882
Hungary 1984 490.6624
Hungary 1980 486.1906
Lithuania 1997 485.0974
Hungary 1979 485.0378

Top 10 countries and correspondent years with lowest positive suicide rates

country year rate_suicide
Egypt 1980 0.4035020
Jamaica 2004 0.4057770
Jamaica 1991 0.4640727
Jamaica 1986 0.4872034
Egypt 2007 0.4927728
Egypt 1987 0.4942756
Jamaica 1982 0.5138543
Egypt 2002 0.5620709
Egypt 2015 0.6084794
Egypt 2008 0.6107135

Now let’s take an average over the last five years of data and see again the highs and lows:

Top 20 countries with highest suicide rates (2012-2016 average)

country rate_suicide
Lithuania 335.3883
Guyana 305.1528
Republic of Korea 289.2143
Suriname 265.4565
Slovenia 217.4291
Hungary 212.4062
Latvia 209.5409
Kazakhstan 208.0467
Japan 207.0399
Belarus 204.4635
Russian Federation 203.9287
Ukraine 198.5692
Uruguay 186.5003
Belgium 182.3194
Croatia 179.5992
Estonia 178.9021
Serbia 169.9654
Republic of Moldova 168.2837
Mongolia 166.7801
Poland 166.0466

Top 20 countries with lowest positive suicide rates (2012-2016 average)

country rate_suicide
Egypt 1.596867
Oman 1.927792
Antigua and Barbuda 2.720674
Grenada 4.191730
Bahrain 9.113524
Mayotte 10.501900
South Africa 11.001666
Bahamas 14.440957
Kuwait 15.263111
Brunei Darussalam 15.960329
Turkey 22.758229
Qatar 23.989111
Armenia 24.627670
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 24.873804
Turkmenistan 26.545199
Iran (Islamic Rep of) 34.028634
Guatemala 34.051098
Saint Vincent and Grenadines 37.354314
Panama 37.454562
Fiji 40.871639

Let’s see if there’s any relationship between suicide rates (2012-2016) and Democracy Index (2015) calculated by The Economist group. The democracy index data was manually curated to correspond to country names present in the WHO dataset.

democracy <- read.csv(file = "democracy_index_2015.csv")

democracy_compare_data <- total_suicide_rate %>% filter(year >= 2012) %>% filter(country %in% as.character(unique(democracy$Country))) %>% group_by(country) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = mean(rate_suicide, na.rm = T)) %>% arrange(country)

democracy <- democracy %>% filter(Country %in% as.character(unique(democracy_compare_data$country))) %>% arrange(Country)

democracy_compare_data$overall_score <- democracy$Overall_score

ggplot(data = democracy_compare_data, aes(overall_score, rate_suicide)) + geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 0.75, colour = "dark blue") + theme_bw() + geom_smooth(formula = y ~ x, method = "loess", se = F) + xlab("Democracy score (overall)") + ylab("Suicide rate (per million people)")

tidy(cor.test(democracy$Overall_score, democracy_compare_data$rate_suicide, method = "pearson")) %>% kable()
estimate statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
0.3072375 2.833023 0.0058833 77 0.0924044 0.4947386 Pearson’s product-moment correlation two.sided
tidy(cor.test(democracy$Overall_score, democracy_compare_data$rate_suicide, method = "spearman")) %>% kable()
estimate statistic p.value method alternative
0.3547168 53016.47 0.0013388 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided

There’s a weak (R = 0.307) but significant positive Pearson correlation between the Democracy Index and suicide rates. However, there are many confounding factors here, as more democratic countries are in general richer and may report suicide statistics with better accuracy. Also, there are huge cultural differences between countries. Among highly democratic nations the correlation is near zero:

democracy_compare_data %>% filter(overall_score > 6) %>% ggplot(aes(overall_score, rate_suicide)) + geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 0.75, colour = "dark blue") + theme_bw() + geom_smooth(formula = y ~ x, method = "loess", se = F) + xlab("Democracy score (overall)") + ylab("Suicide rate (per million people)")

Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) per capita GDP values (2015) in international dollars were obtained from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

gdppc <- read.csv("WEO_Data.xls", sep = "\t")
gdppc$X2015 <- as.numeric(as.character(gdppc$X2015))

gdp_compare_data <- total_suicide_rate %>% filter(year >= 2012) %>% filter(country %in% as.character(unique(gdppc$Country))) %>% group_by(country) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = mean(rate_suicide, na.rm = T)) %>% arrange(country)

gdppc <- gdppc %>% filter(Country %in% as.character(unique(gdp_compare_data$country))) %>% arrange(Country)

As the GDP variable is heavily skewed, it’s better to visualize it using its log transform:

tidy(cor.test(gdppc$X2015, gdp_compare_data$rate_suicide, method = "spearman")) %>% kable()
estimate statistic p.value method alternative
0.1861228 69440 0.0983024 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided

There does not seem to exist an apparent association between suicide rates and per capita GDP income.

Gender Ratios

female_rates <- who_suicide_statistics %>% filter(year >= 2012) %>% group_by(country, sex) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = sum(suicides_no) * 1000000 / sum(population), .groups = "drop_last") %>% na.omit %>% arrange(country) %>% filter(sex == "female")

male_rates <- who_suicide_statistics %>% filter(year >= 2012) %>% group_by(country, sex) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = sum(suicides_no) * 1000000 / sum(population), .groups = "drop_last") %>% na.omit %>% arrange(country) %>% filter(sex == "male")

gender_ratio <- data.frame(country = female_rates$country, ratio = male_rates$rate_suicide / female_rates$rate_suicide) %>% na.omit() %>% filter(is.finite(ratio))

hist(gender_ratio$ratio, main = NA, xlab = "Gender Ratio")

gender_ratio_gdp <- gender_ratio %>% filter(country %in% as.character(unique(gdppc$Country)))
gdppc_gender <- gdppc %>% filter(Country %in% as.character(unique(gender_ratio_gdp$country)))
#ggplot(data = gender_ratio_gdp, aes(log(gdppc_gender$X2015), ratio)) + geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 0.75, colour = "dark blue") + theme_bw() + geom_smooth(se=F)

tidy(cor.test(gender_ratio_gdp$ratio, gdppc_gender$X2015)) %>% kable()
estimate statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
-0.2276648 -1.956149 0.0544387 70 -0.4363206 0.0042267 Pearson’s product-moment correlation two.sided
gender_ratio_dem <- gender_ratio %>% filter(country %in% as.character(unique(democracy$Country)))
democracy_gender <- democracy %>% filter(Country %in% as.character(unique(gender_ratio_dem$country)))
#ggplot(data = gender_ratio_dem, aes(democracy_gender$Overall_score, ratio)) + geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 0.75, colour = "dark blue") + theme_bw() + geom_smooth(se=F)

tidy(cor.test(gender_ratio_dem$ratio, democracy_gender$Overall_score)) %>% kable()
estimate statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
-0.0795524 -0.6724517 0.5034788 71 -0.3040547 0.153321 Pearson’s product-moment correlation two.sided

There does not seem to be any association between gender ratios and Democracy Index nor per capita GDP.

Top 10 countries with highest gender ratios (male-to-female) 2012-2016

head(gender_ratio %>% arrange(desc(ratio)), n = 20) %>% kable()
country ratio
Bahrain 9.262603
Poland 6.992961
Saint Lucia 6.889143
Seychelles 6.841246
Slovakia 6.684513
Panama 6.439133
Mongolia 6.425235
Puerto Rico 6.290557
Costa Rica 6.000486
Romania 5.962328
Republic of Moldova 5.751732
Belize 5.586587
Latvia 5.480794
Lithuania 5.463001
Russian Federation 5.419557
Cyprus 5.224378
Reunion 5.115328
Ukraine 5.011528
Malta 4.980026
Georgia 4.875833

Top 10 countries with lowest positive gender ratios (male-to-female) 2012-2016

head(gender_ratio %>% filter(ratio > 0) %>% arrange(ratio), n = 20) %>% kable()
country ratio
Kuwait 1.472849
Aruba 1.903816
Hong Kong SAR 1.915214
Uzbekistan 2.076370
Singapore 2.079089
Iran (Islamic Rep of) 2.116816
Fiji 2.120162
Netherlands 2.211227
Republic of Korea 2.304564
Norway 2.332093
Sweden 2.360817
Japan 2.424445
Virgin Islands (USA) 2.484681
Paraguay 2.492538
Turkmenistan 2.578286
Luxembourg 2.584304
Belgium 2.614295
Guatemala 2.636253
Saint Vincent and Grenadines 2.699769
New Zealand 2.759721


Elderly suicide is an increasingly troublesome concern as the population grows older.

elderly_data <- who_suicide_statistics %>% filter(year >= 2012) %>% filter(age == "55-74 years" | age == "75+ years") %>% group_by(country) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = sum(suicides_no) * 1000000 / sum(population)) %>% na.omit %>% arrange(desc(rate_suicide))

Top 10 countries with highest elderly suicide rates (2012-2016)

head(elderly_data, n = 10) %>% kable()
country rate_suicide
Republic of Korea 494.6145
Lithuania 391.9060
Slovenia 346.1632
Hungary 342.0108
Guyana 333.2012
Suriname 307.5963
Serbia 296.0792
Croatia 289.7782
Cuba 277.7552
Uruguay 261.7103

This, however, can be biased due to a higher overall higher incidence of suicides in some countries. Thus, let’s calculate the percentage of total suicides that are elderly ones (55+ years).

total_elderly <- who_suicide_statistics %>% filter(year >= 2012) %>% filter(age == "55-74 years" | age == "75+ years") %>% group_by(country) %>% summarise(total_suicide = sum(suicides_no)) %>% na.omit

total_2012_16 <- total_suicide %>% filter(year >= 2012) %>% group_by(country) %>% summarise(total_suicide = sum(total_suicide, na.rm = T)) %>% filter(country %in% as.character(unique(total_elderly$country)))

elderly_proportion <- data.frame(country = total_elderly$country, proportion = total_elderly$total_suicide / total_2012_16$total_suicide)

elderly_proportion <- elderly_proportion[is.finite(elderly_proportion$proportion), ]

Top 10 countries with highest elderly suicide proportion (2012-2016)

head(elderly_proportion %>% arrange(desc(proportion)), n = 10) %>% kable()
country proportion
Antigua and Barbuda 1.0000000
Serbia 0.6119500
Portugal 0.5895522
Bulgaria 0.5839448
Croatia 0.5570321
Hungary 0.5400160
Germany 0.5384444
Austria 0.5329861
Slovenia 0.5318396
Cuba 0.5177912

USA and Brazil: a case-study

I’ve selected two countries for further analysis: Brazil and USA, both very big countries with reliable data.

BR_data <- subset(who_suicide_statistics, country == "Brazil")

US_data <- subset(who_suicide_statistics, country == "United States of America")

Gender differences can be calculated over time:

sex_US_data <- US_data %>% group_by(year, sex) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = sum(suicides_no) * 1000000 / sum(population), .groups = "drop_last") %>% na.omit

sex_BR_data <- BR_data %>% group_by(year, sex) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = sum(suicides_no) * 1000000 / sum(population), .groups = "drop_last") %>% na.omit

US_data_sexratio <- data.frame(year = subset(sex_US_data, sex == "male")$year, ratio = subset(sex_US_data, sex == "male")$rate_suicide / subset(sex_US_data, sex == "female")$rate_suicide, country = "US")

BR_data_sexratio <- data.frame(year = subset(sex_BR_data, sex == "male")$year, ratio = subset(sex_BR_data, sex == "male")$rate_suicide / subset(sex_BR_data, sex == "female")$rate_suicide, country = "BR")

data_sexratio <- rbind(US_data_sexratio, BR_data_sexratio)

In Brazil, suicide rates for men have been steadily increasing since the 1980s, while rates for women have stayed roughly the same. In the US, however, suicide rates for men increased during the 80s (not followed by an increase in women’s rates), decline in the 2000s and has been increasing since 2005-6. This increase is now followed by a similar (but smaller) one in women’s rates. Thus, the men-to-women ratio increased with time in Brazil and decreased only after 2000 in the US. In 2015, for each woman, 4-4.5 men have ended their lives in Brazil or in the US.

age_data_usbr <- who_suicide_statistics %>% group_by(year, country, age) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = sum(suicides_no) * 1000000 / sum(population), .groups = "drop_last") %>% na.omit

Both countries present highest suicide rates for the elderly. However, in both cases, the gap between adults (25-34 years) and elderly (55+ years) is getting narrower since the 2000s, which shows that adult suicide is more likely now than compared to the past (1990s).

age_gender_usbr <- who_suicide_statistics %>% group_by(sex, year, country, age) %>% summarise(rate_suicide = sum(suicides_no) * 1000000 / sum(population), .groups = "drop_last") %>% na.omit

Interestingly, the high elderly suicide rate is apparently accounted for by only male people. There’s practically no age gap among women. This suggests that elderly suicide is almost exclusively a male issue in these countries.


This exploratory analysis is descriptive and serves the purpose to inform about overall characteristics and trends in global suicide reports provided by the WHO. Suicide is a complex social phenomenon and should not be interpreted simplistically. Still, the huge difference between genders in the age gap is of interest.

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