Posts by Category


Different lists

10 minute read

Exploring the differences between lists in Go and Elixir

O que NÃO É a eficácia de uma vacina

9 minute read

O que exatamente é a eficácia de uma vacina? Esse número se tornou muito popular, mas nem todas as interpretações sobre ele estão corretas.

What are NOT p-values?

8 minute read

What exactly is a p-value? Let’s define the p-value and then look at what it is not.

Por que novas cloroquinas virão

10 minute read

Nós devemos focar em explicar por que terapias ineficazes podem parecer serem muito eficazes e mostrar os benefícios de ensaios clínicos de qualidade.

Why new hydroxichloroquines will come

9 minute read

We should focus on explaining why ineffective therapies can appear to be very effective and show the benefits of proper clinical trials.

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Data Analysis

The basics of outlier detection

9 minute read

This post is intended to explain the basics of outlier detection and removal and, more specifically, to highlight some common mistakes.

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Twitter sentiment classification - Part 1

11 minute read

Sentiment classification is somewhat of a trend in NLP; it consists of classifying small texts according to its sentiment connotation: a positive or negative...

Exploring Fractals With Pytorch

7 minute read

FracLac is a great package for fractal analysis in ImageJ. Unfortunately, no similar Python package is available. There are pieces of code that perform the b...

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